In times of increasing information density and innovation pressure, rapid access to information and contacts offers decisive competitive advantages. The German Mining Network offers German companies in Germany and abroad fast and uncomplicated access to information, contacts and industry contacts in relevant raw materials markets, makes an important contribution to securing a sustainable supply of raw materials for German companies and at the same time promotes German export business.
Currently, the network consists of eight international competence centers for mining and raw materials of the German chambers in Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Ghana, Peru, South Africa, as well as the German-Mongolian Business Association, the Delegation of German Business in Kazakhstan, the German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA), Germany Trade and Invest (GTAI), the Association of German Chambers of Industry and Commerce (DIHK) and other cooperating institutions and associations. The Federal Ministry for Economics and Climate Action supports and the activities of the network, with AHK Chile and RWTH Aachen University coordinating the project as a dual leadership since 2021.
The new member of the German Mining Network, IHK Chemnitz, is leading and supporting the establishment of the Chamber of Mines in Mozambique to strengthen the mining sector in the region in perspective. The country has the potential to position itself as an important international supplier of raw materials. However, it is dependent on competent and experienced partners and is therefore also relevant for the German raw material supply. This makes the IHK Chemnitz an interesting new network partner.
As a raw material country, Mozambique was known to very few people so far. In order for the Southeast African country to benefit from its natural riches in the future and to develop sustainably, it is important not only to look at the raw material economy. The general conditions in the country and in particular in the local mining sector must be taken into account. This is also where the project of the Chemnitz Chamber of Commerce and Industry comes in.
The project, which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development, has two objectives: firstly, to establish a functioning, competent and self-supporting chamber of mines in Maputo that can offer a broad portfolio of services to its member companies. Based on the German chamber model, the Mozambique Chamber of Mines is to become the central point of contact for its partner companies for all mining and raw materials-related issues. Secondly, with the help of the new chamber, standards in the Mozambican raw materials sector are to be improved. This includes the areas of health and safety in mines, legal issues in raw materials extraction, and gender aspects.
To ensure that this succeeds, a new raw materials officer at the Chemnitz Chamber of Commerce and Industry and a local expert in Mozambique are working together on the project, which is initially scheduled to run until the end of 2022.